Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My baby is no longer a baby.

Eden starts one day a week PDO/Preschool tomorrow. I thought that I was ok with this, my sister was surprised I wasn't sad. Well it turns out that I am having a harder time with this than I wanted to believe. It all hit me a few nights ago as I was climbing into bed. I just started bawling. How is it that the little baby I used to nurse is now old enough to be away from me for an entire day? It seems like just yesterday I was crying because I was scared for my scheduled labor induction and now I'm crying because my baby is almost three. I guess this is the part where you trust God with your kids and let them go a little, so that they can grow and learn to be who they are in Him.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Updates to Website.

Check out the website if you get a chance today.
New babies. New Seniors. New Love. All set to new music for your listening pleasure.

Monday, August 23, 2010

fuzzy thoughts on Fall

I was thinking about fall this morning and I actually got butterflies in my stomach.
Maybe it's because I've been so confined lately, but the thought of fall is heavy on my mind today.
I've always been a lover of fall, but I'm don't remember ever being quite this excited. All I can think about is leaves changing and fall photo shoots, taking my new baby on walks and fitting back into my favorite cords. I am longing for warm apple cider and date nights with my husband. Cheifs games and beer and dinner's out, hopefully with outdoor seating and a glass of wine. I have a baby to be born, a 25th birthday to be had and a 4 year anniversary to look forward to. This is going to be a great fall.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My "Once I'm off Bed Rest List"

It's been a while....
I've made it to 34 weeks, which is great! I am hoping that once I hit 36 weeks, they will let me resume normal activity. Here's a list of things I can't wait to do again.

Book photoshoots
Take Eden on walks around the new neighborhood
Go on a date with my husband
Go shopping for the rest of the things I need for Judah
Eat sushi (once Judah comes )
Walk around the plaza
First Fridays
Discover new restaurants
Have a girls night out
Have a sister date
Clean the house

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Moving Day

It's finally here. After 12 long days I finally get to live in the same house as my husband tomorrow! The moving starts at 9am and I can hardly wait to get him back. Here are some pictures of our "Good Bye House Day".

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To my baby girl.

I love you so much more than you will ever know, but I promise that I will spend everyday trying to let you feel my love as much as humanly possible. I know that these last two weeks have been so hard on you. One day everything was fine and you were living in the only house you've known since you were born. The next day mommy was rushing to the hospital and you were suddenly having to move to Nana's early so that I could stay on bed rest. I can't imagine how hard and unsettling that must have been and I am so sorry. I know it's been so hard waiting for Daddy and the doggies and the kitty to come live with us again; but they will be here in three short days. Mommy hasn't been able to do some of the things we use to do, and I know that is so tough. I miss the things we use to do too. I miss giving you "uppies" and taking you places. I miss being able to go to the pool with you. I miss the normalcy that we had created for you. I know right now it seems like forever, but it's only ten weeks. Soon after baby Judah gets here, safe and sound I will be able to give you your "uppies" and take you fun places and do all of the things we use to do. It's going to be a hard transition, but mommy is so proud of you and how much of it you have handled. Tonight you had a really hard time falling asleep. You cried for an hour and forty minutes, and it broke my heart, but I understand that we might have a few of those nights while you get use to things and that is ok. I hope that when you are older and read this you will remember the good times and that these hard times will be just a far off distant memory. You will always be my baby girl, my first born and nothing and no one can replace that. I have treasured every moment I've gotten to spend with you for the last two and a half years. I love you, and I love being your mommy.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Successful Day

This was a great day. I actually feel like I got a lot done from "bed". Now that I've gotten more use to this bed rest thing, I can more easily play with E and still be sitting down. I even got to sit at the kitchen table and watch my mom help E make cupcakes!
3 great things from this day....

1. Tim brought over E's stuff from the old house and we got to set up her new room, she was so excited. Tim told her to close her eyes and then he started bringing her stuff in and told her to open her eyes as he said "surprise"! She was beyond excited. I haven't seen her this happy since all of this started. I think it will bring a sense of calm to this storm, just seeing all her familiar things again and having a place of her own again.

2. I got some great time with just E and I. We got some serious snuggling in. I felt good enough to sit at the table while she painted this amazing picture of the ocean... complete with a sun in the sky, blue clouds and rain drops b/c she said it was a "stormy day". Then she put boat stickers on blue lines she had painted for the waves. It is now proudly stationed on the refrigerator.

3. I passed my 3 hour glucose test which means no gestational diabetes. Praising God for that news. I'm not sure I could've handled another hurdle right now.

Only 5 more days until the big moving day and Tim, E and I are all under one roof again.